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My name is Cinnamon. Im 17 years old. I live in pittsburgh. Currently in the 11th grade. Blogging for my grad. porject.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Just Taking a swing...

hay its me again. I think I found what I might do my project on. The topic i want is rapist and serial killers. I know its a pretty deep topic and you might be wondering why in heaven's name am I doing my project on that, but its something I have been around for most of my life. And my mom kind of some what got me into the whole killing thing (cold case, dateline, lifetime, etc.) and the rape is a big part in most killings when your dealing with a female victim. So I believe I'm going to take my time and do my project on this topic. I just hope I don't get lost and get my self in a hole i wont be able to get out of.

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