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My name is Cinnamon. Im 17 years old. I live in pittsburgh. Currently in the 11th grade. Blogging for my grad. porject.

Friday, January 9, 2009

digging deeper

So I was talking with my grad. project teacher about me topic. She opened my eyes to why do i wanna do my topic on serial killers. How can I get involved in my topic, and i sat there like..."ummm I don't know!" This topic is something I do wanna talk about, but i don't know really what I have to do with it. I'm still LOST! I just wanna talk about how serial killers grow up. How they become involve in there killings. What about there killings and crimes makes them famous. Ever since I was little I have been a big fan of serial killers. There stories keep my wondering things like, "why are they killing." "what makes them kill." "Did they have a bad child hood." I know I'm just going on about nothing here, but how do i get myself involved? Maybe I could take myself into a killers hands. Not saying to go kill someone, but to be in their minds. Put myself in their shoes. Would that be a good thing to follow through on. I just need help, because at this point i feel like I'm going CRAZY!!!!

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