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My name is Cinnamon. Im 17 years old. I live in pittsburgh. Currently in the 11th grade. Blogging for my grad. porject.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The kick off

What I have heard about the graduation project at city high is that it takes your 11Th grade and your 12 grade year to do it and finish. I only know one person that have done it at city high and passed, which is my friend Cierra. She showed me a little of her work done on the graduation project, and it looked like it toke a LONG time. She told me she had to make a book, do interviews, and do a lot of research. some interest I have in mind for my grad. project is either: gay marriage, rape, or something about the labels they give lesbians, bi, and gay people. Some concerns I do have about my project is what if the people I show it to dis-like it, or find it boring. What do I do?

1 comment:

  1. Cinnamon,

    Thanks for the info on your topic ideas. They are topics that would make good reports, but keep in mind you are going to be designing a project that calls for an action plan. Let's talk!

    - Mrs. Savido
