About Me

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My name is Cinnamon. Im 17 years old. I live in pittsburgh. Currently in the 11th grade. Blogging for my grad. porject.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Did you knows

  1. 1 out of 4 people are actually potential serial killers
  2. Most serial killers killed animals before they moved on to people
  3. Most serial killers wet the bed aften as kids right up until teens
  4. They range from the ages of 18-30
  5. Most serial killers are white males
  6. Most serial killers where child abused while growing up and thought they could take their anger out on animals
  7. Average number of serial killer victms range from 67 to 180 annually.
  8. One out out six serial killers is a female
  9. Many serial killers have a fascination with fire starting.
  10. Many have often intelligents with Qa in the bright normal range.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Foundation Questions

  1. What is a serial killer?
  2. What fascination draws the economy into serial killers?
  3. Should the media broadcast serial killers the way they would with other shows and interviews?
  4. Do serial killers kill to get attention they long for?
  5. What will happen to a person if they become too fond with a serial killer's story and life?
  6. Does giving a serial killer a nick name encourage them to kill more?
  7. Why do serial killers kill?
  8. Were most serial killers abused as a child?
  9. Why do the media expose serial killers the way they do?
  10. Does the media tell too much about a serial killer's case?

Not starting over after all

I found that I do not want to start over. I have fell in love with my project and want to continue to keep doing more work on it. So I just picked up on what I have left off on and so far I got my weblog done. I have so much to do, and it seems like so little time. I starting to freak out! I have a "C" in this class and I'm missing so much work, but I'm going to keep holding on and hopefully pull this off and get a "B".

Friday, January 30, 2009

Starting All Over!

Well I'm starting a new topic and new trip. I'm now doing my Grad. Project on addiction to MYSPACE, facebook and other websites that fall under them two subjects. I find this topic of addiction to a website that you can talk and meet new people interesting because I'm one of these people who cant get enough of MYSPACE. I wanna know whats the enjoyment or pleasure I get out of being on this website for hours of the day. So I'm going to start my essential question on what about addiction on MYSPACE and facebook.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

How I'm doing so far.

So far I'm doing okay with my project. I have been keeping track of my work, but not on research. I'm feeling good about my topic, better than I have before. I'm going to keep doing more research on whats new with the media and serial killers. I really wanna start getting my foundation questions done, because I know for a fact I'm not really sure of what I'm looking for.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Finally see the light

So far I'm kind of on the ball. I found A topic to start with which is: "Why is the media so interested in serial killer?" Ms. Savido helped me out a lot with finding this topic. So far I have found 10 different websites with articles that help me with why people find serial killing so interesting and why the media makes someone to gory into this famous celeb. I also started some questions to ask myself and overs to see why I find serial killers so interesting and why do I keep reading about them, but thats what Im doing so far.

Friday, January 9, 2009

digging deeper

So I was talking with my grad. project teacher about me topic. She opened my eyes to why do i wanna do my topic on serial killers. How can I get involved in my topic, and i sat there like..."ummm I don't know!" This topic is something I do wanna talk about, but i don't know really what I have to do with it. I'm still LOST! I just wanna talk about how serial killers grow up. How they become involve in there killings. What about there killings and crimes makes them famous. Ever since I was little I have been a big fan of serial killers. There stories keep my wondering things like, "why are they killing." "what makes them kill." "Did they have a bad child hood." I know I'm just going on about nothing here, but how do i get myself involved? Maybe I could take myself into a killers hands. Not saying to go kill someone, but to be in their minds. Put myself in their shoes. Would that be a good thing to follow through on. I just need help, because at this point i feel like I'm going CRAZY!!!!