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My name is Cinnamon. Im 17 years old. I live in pittsburgh. Currently in the 11th grade. Blogging for my grad. porject.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Did you knows

  1. 1 out of 4 people are actually potential serial killers
  2. Most serial killers killed animals before they moved on to people
  3. Most serial killers wet the bed aften as kids right up until teens
  4. They range from the ages of 18-30
  5. Most serial killers are white males
  6. Most serial killers where child abused while growing up and thought they could take their anger out on animals
  7. Average number of serial killer victms range from 67 to 180 annually.
  8. One out out six serial killers is a female
  9. Many serial killers have a fascination with fire starting.
  10. Many have often intelligents with Qa in the bright normal range.

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